Orders are posted out every Tuesday and Friday
The Modern Embroidery Workshop
The Spinner's Book of Fleece
Tillyflop cards and tea towels
From £2.75
Top-down Crochet Sweaters by Dora Ohrenstein
Tweed and waxed cotton project bags, pouches & notion holders - made in the UK
From £20.00
Vanishing Fleece by Clara Parkes
Wooden crochet hooks - hand-whittled in the UK
Wooden crochet hooks - handmade in the UK
Wooden scissors tags
Wooden Tape Measure by Thread and Maple
Wooden tools for crocheters
From £2.50
Wooden tools for embroidery
Wooden tools for knitters
Wooden tools for spinners
Worthy gift tags - pack of 10
From £2.80
Yarnitecture by Jillian Moreno
Yarnologie Magazine Volumes 1 to 4
Yumiko Higuchi embroidery books
From £12.75